
October 2019 – Present

Algorithm Engineer


■ Developing the SaaS product to manage contracts at legal departments or for double checking on Legal DD processes (Python)

  • Verification and development on entity extraction logic and machine learning model for texts on contracts (also for english text data).
  • Utilize the verification process of machine learning model
  • Operation and maintenance for existing python software
March 2017 – September 2019

Data Analyst


■ Implementation for the article on reconstructing pose estimation data (Python/Pose estimation)

  • Implement and verify the method on the article related to pose estimation data reconstruction.

■ Architecting the image processing system infrastructure on AWS (Terraform / AWS)

  • Development of the terraform code for building infrastructure to process the images on dashboard camera
  • Management of team members on software development

■ Implementation for the article for route matching on GPS point (Python/Geospatial Analysis)

  • Implement the method on the article using a time series model to match the route for observed GPS points

■ Implementation for the article about LIDER sensor image recognition (Python/CV)

  • Survey article on detecting road obstacles with its implementation

■ Creation of model on geo image (Python/CV)

  • Segmentation of images using deep learning to detect region of some kind of building on geo photograph
  • Proof of concept and implementation of articles on property state classification model using deep learning

■ Improvement of call center (Python/NLP)

  • Creation of prediction model on customer satisfaction to apply for data on customers who have not answered questionnaire
  • Design and construction of AWS infrastructure to accumulate the results of the prediction model
  • Construction of Tableau dashboard to extract unsatisfied keywords on chat

■ Text mining on tweets (Python/NLP)

  • Soft clustering using topic model to grasp user interests
  • Implementation of articles to make tags related to the service
December 2013 – February 2017

Software Engineer

Classmethod Inc.

■ Design and develop server side API for the medical shopping supply chain’s mobile application (Scala/AWS)
■ Design and develop server side API for the major coffee shop chain’s mobile application(Scala/AWS)
■ Develop iOS application that link medical device using BLE (Swift)
■ Develop iPad application to make a mind map (Objective-C)
■ Develop iOS application to connect the medical portal site (Objective-C)
April 2012 – October 2013

Software Engineer

Wadachi Inc.

■ Survey on modeling to recognize credit cards (Objective-C++/CV)
■ Develop iOS application to enhance selling some kind of hobby. The app include recognition of images (Objective-C++/CV)
■ Developing other apps
